Tuesday, October 4, 2011

my mandala

Here it is my freshly shaped blank, Mani, of mandalacustonshapes.com shaped me this board around a month ago and its been on my mind ever since. I'm getting bamboo glass ons, with a sweet glass job from moonlight. I truly can not wait to get this thing into the water.  A dream has developed in my mind the last month of riding this board.  So stoked. It's a 5'3.5 arc swallowtail, so it's pretty much the coolest board ever in like the universe! I had Mani shape the swallowtail a little deeper than normal so there would be ore flex in the tail, Kassia Meador gets hers like that and i love flex so i had to go with it.  It has been so long and im so impatient I want to ride it!!!!!

photos by Mani......:)


  1. harmonizedporpoises
    i know kinda lame...

  2. http://harmonizedporpoises.blogspot.com/
